Monday, January 6, 2020


A fire burns within
it can hold it in no more
It explodes with a fury
Of a pain it can hold no more
Of a pain it can hold no more
Of an injustice it can bear no more
Of hurts it can silently watch no more
Seeking revenge for fish at its core
Seeking revenge for fish at its core
Swimming with plastic in their guts
In its large forgiving embrace
It cannot hold us anymore

It cannot hold us anymore
As we turn the other way
As icy glaciers melt
And temperatures soar each day  
Will we be tormentor or protector
Seeking change through our actions
Or climate change denier
Helpless at hands of politicians
Nature is bigger than us
And needs to stay bigger than us
That’s the only way for it to be
For us to live in harmony


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