Thursday, December 7, 2017


I wake up in morning and I sigh inwardly. I sigh that big giant sigh, and bury myself back in the sheets. I want to stay in, hidden from the world. I don’t feel strong enough to take on the world.

I dislike this. Immensely. I think of the times when I awoke refreshed and ready for the day. Ah, the many things we fail to even notice. The many things we miss only when they are gone.

Morning melancholy aside. As mentioned, I dislike this. So I do what any determined person does. Not with any particular discipline, but I try several different things to perk up the mornings. I do breath work before getting up, I try to hypnotize myself while brushing my teeth to be more awake (oh well, I mostly stare at myself in the mirror and urge a more energetic person to stare back. Ahem…).

I have a boom box next to my bed. When I awake in the middle of the night or early morning, my body taut or in some kind of pain, I turn on meditation CDs. Sometimes they help me breathe better, lull me back to sleep or else help me solve all the world problems. Yes. Every. Single. Problem.

Most times, I just give up and drag myself through the morning like a zombie. But remember? I dislike it. So, over and over, like a demented raccoon, (yes, apparently, I know the habits of demented raccoons), I keep trying.

Some days I do a little yoga. This morning I try a few sun salutations. The puppy climbs on my back. She thinks I am upset and starts licking my ear. She licks ears to cheer you up. I fell on the floor some time back and that was her way to make me all better.

“I’m okay,” I try to tell her. But she continues as I go into downward dog. Who came up with the name for this pose? I’m calling it ear-licking dog.   

At times I think of my mom’s strategy. When she wakes up too early, she hops out of bed and finishes cooking for the day. Yes. My mom often has her days meals ready at 5 a.m. Brilliant, you say? Sure. Unless you are sleeping peacefully in her house and awaken rudely to the shrill whistle of the pressure cooker at 6 a.m. “Why?” I ask her, bleary-eyed, “Would you be pressure cooking at 6 a.m.?”

“I waited two whole hours, before starting the pressure cooker,” she informs me brightly. My mom is a terrific cook and I resign in the knowledge that that meal will be delicious, even if it involves pressure cooker whistles at 6 a.m.  

Of late, the movie, “50 first dates” pops in my mind regularly. I probably saw it over a decade ago and I remember very little of it. Nor does this rom-com fall in any particular favorite movie category, but the end keeps coming back to my mind.  

Very briefly, here’s the premise of the movie. Boy meets girl. Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. Girl forgets boy (and most of her life). Everyday. She has short-term memory loss. Boy really loves girl. Boy figures out a way for them to have a life together.

Jumping to the end of the movie. Spoiler alert. (Sorry. No one will believe I did movie reviews as part of my newspaper job for Arts and Culture).      

Long story short, she wakes up every morning and watches a short movie of her life. All the happy parts. The smiling clips. Everyone and everything she has in her life, to be grateful for, are in the film.

Yes. She starts her day completely confused and disoriented, but then sees all the good bits in her life. What a gift. What a beautiful way to start the day. She is not thinking of aches or pains, or lunches, or if the puppy has chewed the rug, or the general overwhelm of the day and the lack of physical strength to deal with it.

No. She starts her day with the things that are the most important and that are going well for her. Focusing on the joys, rather than the responsibilities.

Agreed this is Hollywood and the reality after the joy is not quite depicted. For example, does she know that her kid is allergic to the peanut butter sandwich she packed for his lunch or that her daughter has soccer practice that afternoon… or a myriad other complications…

For even if there are a zillion other complications, she has still started her day with a smile and joy and gratitude for the things that are going well in her life and therein lies her strength, her perspective of her world. I can’t help imagine there must be much power and hope in starting a day such. Even the worst day. That would be a perspective worth putting into place. Demented raccoon, or otherwise.


  1. Today, I woke up feeling most of what you described you felt- lack of energy or enthusiasm to get on with the day. I love the 50 First Dates analogy of starting the day with good memories! I started the day telling Raaga about something my dad did to wake me up in the morning. She was out of bed in minutes and I gained purpose to my morning!

  2. Hi Ruta, I just read your post, thanks for your honesty which is wonderful. So imagine you’re at IEP on the table acupuncture needles in place and you read the post to me. Here’s what I would say, consider it very second hand from the universal Light and Love shining behind all our struggles. It would say Ruta please stop attacking yourself with I should be this I should be that. Love yourself, you are your most intimate friend who understands all your pain, trials, beauty, strength. So lie in bed allow everything in that moment to be as it is with great patience and kindness. Love the feelings more than manage them. It’s not in your nature to stay there all day, then you will be guided by hidden forces arising from compassion. Blessings to you. Tom

    1. Thanks Tom. That sounds so healing and beautiful... and so very difficult. Thank you for your beautiful words — I hope I can develop enough self-compassion and acceptance and maturity and not get swept up in the whirlwind of the moment. It would be so nourishing to live like that. Miss all of you!
