Friday, January 20, 2017

Creating joy… cupcake by cupcake…

Last night, a writer friend says, given the way things are, she really feels the need to create joy. Her words are simple and heartfelt and resonate deeply.

This morning her words keep ringing in my ears. And unlike the occasional ringing in the ear, I encounter, her words are inspiring. By afternoon, I find myself elbow deep in flour, butter, sugar and eggs. I’m baking. I’m creating joy… cupcake by cupcake…by cupcake…by cupcake. Did I mention I can’t seem to stop?
Sure, a certain calm spreads, as do pleasant aromas all over the kitchen. I’m concocting a lavender cupcake recipe (whew… successfully) and lemon cupcakes. I look at the counter – a hundred and twenty cupcakes stare back at me.
“And you’re the one who has problems with the standard American diet?” their words drip in sarcasm.  
“But you’re here to help me create joy,” I remind them. “See how light and fluffy you are, and how good you smell, and how happy you’ll make a child”. Ahem… even to myself, I sound like the witch in Hansel and Gretel.
By now, my entire kitchen is judging me, “Surely you can find healthier ways to create joy. When was the last time you saw the insides of that health club?”
I shoo away all the critical voices in and around my head. And even if I shake my head as I stare at the counter filled with cupcakes, I think of all the folks I will give them to. Surely there’s joy in that.  
Long story short. A lot of things in the world may seem unfair and unsavory and just plain awful. But the world itself, is really not awful. And yes, one bite into my lavender cupcake will convince you of that. The world remains. We remain. And along with it, remains our ability and desire to create joy (in healthful ways or not). And once we've created joy, we can believe good will win.

And listen to lovely friends who voice it, as  mine did last night, and whose words ring in our ear.  And before you know it, you’ve created joy. Or at least, had the desire to. One cupcake at a time…

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