Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Another September…

Birthdays are for cake and celebration and plenty of attention. As we age, birthdays are often, for reflection.

It may not be the fact of another year passing, or the increased wisdom acquired from another year (ahem… even I claim so, despite its wobbly truth), it’s simply the time of the year. Each year.

I have written other blog posts about September and birthdays, about passing years, and changing seasons, about time and its fluidity and I continue to wonder where we fit in this continuum. Are we bystanders watching time flow and leaves change color? Are we in a symbiotic dance with it, influenced by it, influencing it? Are we trying to control it, wanting to turn it, taking charge of the now, so we can influence its course? Time passing now, connected to the future… are we living in that future, in a time that is yet to happen, futile even if it may be…or are we eyeing the heap of passaged time, wondering where it went, what we did, regrets, joys, hopes… all part of that heap?

Clearly, I have no answers. Only questions. And fleeting thoughts… like time fleeting…

I love that my birthday coincides with a season of change. Is youth the warm summer soaked in sunshine that I don’t want to see end? And yet, it must... and I must let it go. Will I do so with ease and grace and wisdom, or will there be kicking and screaming involved?  Wisdom (recently acquired or not) tells me there is only one way to do so, and the feathery, falling leaves show me how.

I love that my birthday coincides with a season of change. Inviting movement, inviting letting go, changing… Like the leaves turning colors, and swirling away from the trees, I wonder how much there is to let go of, how much is held inside me, from the passing year, from the passing years… Can it just as organically, swirl and move away from my body and being… like a floating leaf of autumn? All that no longer serves me, all that which is best released, leaving me lighter, happier in the now…  

Another September… another year passing… wispy thoughts… swirling about in the autumn breeze…